Tanya Friel


I am a Bulgarian and moved here with my kiwi husband and two children in 2019. I initially trained as a biathlon coach (cross country skiing and shooting) and worked as a personal trainer in London which helped me gain a good understanding of posture, biomechanical movement and the benefits of physical fitness. An unfortunate road traffic accident led me to seek an osteopathic treatment which was so beneficial that inspired me to further my career and train as an osteopath.

After graduating from the British School of Osteopathy in London in 2014 I started my own practice in a large corporate company where I integrated the use of soft tissue, joint mobilisation and sports rehabilitation techniques which are successful for treating a wide variety of complaints. As part of my two years post-graduate training I specialised in paediatrics using primarily craniosacral osteopathic approach of treating children, anti-natal and post-natal patients.

Tanya speaks Bulgarian and English.